Why Study Geophysics at Montana Tech? 

这个学位选项让你有机会选择适合你兴趣的课程, and laser-focus your research on a specific geophysics topic. 

本系近期研究项目包括:油藏表征, Seismic Processing/Interpretation, Electrical Resistivity Studies, Digital Acoustic Sensing (DAS), Remote Sensing Analysis, Ground Penetrating Radar Studies, Shallow Seismic Investigations, Hydrogeophysics, Antarctic Geology, Gravity and Magnetic Studies, and Tectonics of Montana. Engineering geophysical applications are also of interest, 最近的一个项目涉及在地下水开发调查中结合使用地震和电气技术.

Outstanding Faculty

Faculty members of the Geological Engineering department all hold Ph.D. 分支学科的学位,包括土木工程和岩土工程重点, geochemistry, hydrogeology, and stratigraphy. 每位教师都有丰富的行业经验,他们把这些经验带到课堂上, laboratory, and field site.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Major department equipment includes a 144-channel seismograph; time domain EM system; ground-penetrating radar system; gravimeters; magnetometers; gamma-ray spectrometer; horizontal loop EM system; a resistivity, IP, controlled source AMT system; and three department vehicles for field work. 本署广泛使用电脑设施,包括个人电脑, LINUX, and workstations, and a 28-node supercomputer.

World-Class Geophysics Lab

You have plenty of hands-on learning opportunities at Montana Tech. With access to state-of-the-art and fully equipped laboratories, 你将获得操作精密仪器和设备所必需的先进知识和技能. In your geophysics lab courses, 你也将有机会在创新研究项目上帮助你的专业人士.

Geophysics Internships

在课堂之外,你将通过地球物理实习获得更多的实践经验. Each year, through Career Services events, 你将有机会接触100多家公司,这些公司会来校园招聘菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的地球物理学学生进行暑期实习. 

Fantastic Location

通过选择菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的地球物理学学位,您将享受我们在蒙大拿州Butte的位置. 你可以参观当地的运营,并在Butte以及附近的城市(如Bozeman)寻求实习机会, Helena, and Missoula. 您还将有无与伦比的机会享受蒙大拿的户外活动.

Be Ready for a Career in Geophysics

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将超越只是给你的知识和技能,你需要地球物理学学位的工作. At Tech, 我们确保您具备在现实环境中成为团队一员所需的沟通和人际交往能力. 从从事地球物理学教授到菲律宾十大彩票平台学院杰出的职业服务, you’ll have the resources, support, and connections to geophysics internships and jobs.

Study Geophysics and Have Fun Too

Get involved in various clubs and organizations on campus. Take a break from your geophysics studies to have fun skiing, fishing, hiking, and enjoying other outdoor adventures in Butte, Montana.

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Engaged Faculty with Experience

Connect with faculty. 

Unparalleled Location for Field Work
Only On-Campus Underground Mine in USA
Make Montana your classroom.
See why geophysical engineering students choose Montana Tech.

What is Geophysical Engineering? 

>Geophysicists study the physical characteristics of earth and other planets by applying the principles of math, physics, geology, and engineering. 

What Kinds of Jobs Do Geophysicists Get? >

The scope and importance of geophysics cannot be overstated. 石油、天然气和采矿业雇用地球物理学家,因为他们有能力定位地球表面下深处隐藏的资源. 地球物理学家也被用于工程和环境领域来定位地下水, track pollution, locate utilities, and search for buried artifacts. Geophysics professionals are employed worldwide.

Montana Tech geophysics graduates follow a variety of important career paths. The oil, gas, 采矿业雇用地球物理学家,因为他们有能力定位地球表面下深藏的资源. 地球物理学家也受雇于工程和环境领域来定位地下水, track pollution, locate utilities, and search for buried artifacts.

$83,680 average annual salary

For geoscientists, 2021 

5% industry growth

Projected through 2031, about as fast as average

24,900 geoscientists in the USA

In 2021

Explore Classes in Geophysical Engineering

你在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的地球物理工程课程将为你的重要职业生涯提供一个跳板. 你可以和你的指导老师合作,根据你的兴趣量身定制一系列课程. You can earn the Geoscience, M.S. 选修地球物理学30学分,完成一篇论文或可发表的论文, or by taking 36 credits, without a thesis or paper. 

Learn More About Geophysics at Montana Tech
Geological Department

Meet faculty, explore research expertise, and more.

Catalog Details

Get semester-by-semester info about geophysics courses. The catalog is the go-to tool to understand degree requirements.

Research Office

美国国家科学基金会、陆军研究实验室和其他顶级机构定期资助我们的教师和十大可靠彩票平台. Find a faculty member to supervise your project.

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Choose from 12 specializations, including Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Geophysical, Geotechnical, Hydrogeological, Mechanical, Metallurgical/Minerals, Materials, Mining, and Petroleum.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Xiaobing Zhou
Professor of Geophysics