你认识值得表扬的校友吗? Montana Tech is accepting nominations for the 杰出校友 Award, which will be awarded during Commencement Ceremonies in the spring.

Candidates for this award 必须 have received an associates or higher 学位 from Montana Tech. All Honorary 校友, 由菲律宾十大彩票平台学院校友会授予, shall also be eligible.  除了, candidates 必须 已经建立了至少20年的职业生涯, of which five years have been in a definitely responsible capacity, and who has either contributed in an outstanding manner to the furtherance of his or her 职业 and/or has been an outstanding contributor to the College.

Candidates can be nominated by alumni or faculty/staff/administration that hold Regents contracts.  的提名者 必须 first supply a brief letter of nomination summarizing why the nominee should be considered for the 杰出校友 Award. 的提名者 必须 be prepared to provide additional information as requested by the Selection Committee including but not limited to: a detailed description of the candidate (resume) and three letters of support.

一旦收到所有提名信, the Award Selection Committee will review all nomination letters and will select nominees who will be given further consideration. 

  1. 该奖项将被称为杰出校友奖.
  2. All alumni who have received an associate or higher 学位 from Montana Tech and all Honorary 校友, 由菲律宾十大彩票平台学院校友会授予, 有资格.
  3. 候选人必须符合上述第2点的标准,并且必须, 除了, 已经建立了至少20年的职业生涯, of which five years have been in a definitely responsible capacity, and who has either contributed in an outstanding manner to the furtherance of his or her 职业 and/or has been an outstanding contributor to the College.
  4. Candidates can be nominated by alumni or faculty, administration or staff who hold Regents contracts. 的提名者 必须 first supply a brief letter of nomination summarizing why the nominee should be considered for the 杰出校友 Award. 一旦收到所有提名信, the Award Selection Committee (described in item 6 below) will review all nomination letters and will select nominees who will be given further consideration.
  5. 如果被提名者被选中进一步考虑, the nominator 必须 supply all necessary documentation for the nominee which includes, 但不限于, a detailed description of the >person as to his or her career, 职业, 及/或资助学院, at least three letters of support from individuals other than the nominee, and other such documentation that the selection committee finds necessary for making its selections.
  6. The 奖 Selection Committee consists of five members as follows:
    1. 主席将由校友关系总监担任
    2. One member will be the President of the 校友 Association or his/her designee
    3. One member will be the Vice Chancellor for Advancement or his/her designee
    4. Two members will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs from the faculty, 校董会合约职员, 或管理员
  7. 每年最多但不超过三个奖项. 没有最低数量的要求.
  8. Letters of nomination are due by December 1st 在颁奖的前一年. Supplemental information and materials for nominees selected for further consideration are due by December 31. 在颁奖的前一年.
  9. The committee’s selection with supportive material will be transmitted to the Chancellor of the January 11th of the year of the award.
  10. 奖项将是一枚银质奖章和一块牌匾. The medallion should have the De Re Metallica College Shield on one side and the name of the award, 收件人的名称, 另一面是日期.
  11. Files of unsuccessful nominees are to be kept on record by the 奖 Selection Committee for two years. 收件人文件应无限期保存.
  12. 一个候选人可以被提名一次以上.
  13. The Chairman of the 奖 Committee will be responsible for keeping a record of the nominations and to conduct the work of the Committee.