Thomas Camm

Mining & Geology Building (MG) 117B MG


  • Ph.D.,爱达荷大学采矿工程-冶金学(1995)
  • M.E.M.,美国华盛顿州立大学工程管理硕士(1988年)
  • B.S., Mining Engineering, University of Idaho (1979)
  • 领导研究,博士课程(无学位),贡萨加大学(1998-2004)

Professional Registration



The existentialists came to the conclusion that life is absurd. Carl Jung wrote that the shadow is a living part of the personality. So—life is dark and absurd. 我认为这两种观点都准确地描述了人类的状况,但并不完全. There is also light 哪里有黑暗,哪里有寻找的潜力 wisdom even in the most absurd of situations.

我喜欢将这些想法整合到下一代工程师教学中的挑战. As much as I like being an academic engineer, 我发现工程学中人类的部分是最迷人的. 除了教授重要的工程技术方面, 我也试着让学生们为组织环境下职业生涯的考验和磨难做好准备.

目前我教授工程经济学/财务分析、领导力 & 工程管理、矿产经济、矿山安全 & health, and underground mine design. 借鉴我作为NIOSH研究工程师的经验,为USBM开发预可行性研究, 我将一个学科的基础理论和实际问题的实际应用结合起来. I am an active member in SME, 在许多委员会任职,经常担任会议主席和演讲人, 同时也是菲律宾十大彩票平台安德森-卡莱尔技术协会/中小企业学生分会的指导老师.

Career in Brief

Mining Engineer—U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) (1979-1996)

Courses Taught

  • Engineering Economic Analysis
  • Economics of Mineral Industries
  • Mine Management
  • Mine Management II
  • Underground Mine Design
  • Mine Safety Management
  • Mine Management

Selected Publications

Publications in bold 可在数字公共-蒙大拿技术图书馆找到:

Camm, T. W. (2019). The dark side of servant-leadership. 《菲律宾十大彩票平台》,第13期(1), 107-132.

Camm, T. W. (2017). The political lens: Power & conflict in the workplace. 组织改革中心(COR)夏季研讨会系列(6月15日提出), 2017), Spokane, WA.

Camm, T. W. (2017). Luck & skill: Black swans & Machiavelli’s ideas on power, fortune, virtù. SME annual meeting, Denver, CO. Preprint 17-078.

Camm, T. W., Johnson, J. C. & Rosenthal, S. D. (2018, January). 管理工程人才:优化最优秀和最聪明的人才的独特挑战. Mining Engineering, 70(1), 29-30. [Also published as SME preprint 17-080].

Yapo, A. G., & Camm, T. W. (2017, September). All-in sustaining cost analysis: pros and cons. Mining Engineering, 69(9), 16-28. [Also published as SME preprint 17-007].

Camm, T. W. (2016). Pseudo leadership and safety culture. SME annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Preprint 16-059.

Camm, T. W. (2015, October). 营造安全工作环境的管理挑战. Web Exclusive article for Mining Engineering ( [Also published as SME preprint 15-076].

Camm, T. W. (2014, October). Keeping civilization from collapsing. Rock in the Box essay: Mining Engineering, 66(10), 53, 56.

Camm, T. W. (2014). 领导的阴暗面:与自恋的老板打交道. SME annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Preprint 14-090.

Camm, T. W. (2013). Power and politics in organizations. SME annual meeting, Denver, CO. Preprint 13-110.