Montana Tech’s 市场营销 and Communications Department oversees the university’s brand identity standards, 媒体关系, 数字通信, social media graphic design, 写作与编辑, 战略沟通, 以及营销策略.

Brand Identity Standards

View the below to explore our standards for logo usage, 颜色, 字体, 摄影, and videography standards for our brand.









To avoid conflicting messaging, all 媒体关系 including press releases and media interviews 必须 be coordinated through the 市场营销 & 交流团队. If you are contacted by the media, please reach out to the 市场营销 & 通信办公室

Official Montana Tech press releases may be found here »


Montana Tech recognizes the need to advertise to effectively promote its offerings of educational opportunities, 服务, 体育活动, 就业机会, 还有文化活动. 所有 外部 广告(报纸, 期刊, 直接邮件, 传单, 海报, 视频, 广告牌, 电视, 广播, 等.) 必须 be coordinated through the 市场营销 and Public Relations Office where the marketing team will integrate your marketing efforts with the look and feel of the university’s institutional identity. Internal advertising does not require approval from the 市场营销 and Public Relations office. Montana Tech reserves the right to be the sole judge of appropriate and inappropriate advertising.

所有 外部 广告(报纸, 期刊, 直接邮件, 传单, 海报, 视频, 广告牌, 电视, 广播, 等.) 必须 be coordinated through the 市场营销 and Public Relations Office where the marketing team will integrate your marketing efforts with the look and feel of the university’s institutional identity. Internal advertising does not require approval from the 市场营销 and Public Relations office. Montana Tech reserves the right to be the sole judge of appropriate and inappropriate advertising.


The 市场营销 and Communications Department maintains 官方账户 on 脸谱网, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.